Welcome to Cincinnatus Vineyards
Cincinnatus Vineyards is very excited to work with NSOF to bring you these wines. They are all made from grapes we have grown and picked by hand with the help of friends and family.
We are proud to present
Founders David Cearley & Michelle Clark

David and Michelle spent many years traveling and relocating around the world as children and then together with the Navy. Eventually landing in Virginia and making it their home base. 2015 found them purchasing land in Neslon County, Virginia, planting the vineyard the following Spring and spending every weekend and vacation hence forth working on the farm. They relocated to the vineyard upon David’s retirement July of 2022.
They would love to see you and share their journey and hear about yours.
Our connection to NSOF
Cincinnatus Vineyards and Farm’s connection with the NSO community is a long and cherished one. I spent nearly 30 years in Navy EOD, Enlisted to Officer, EOD Assistant to Master to EOD Officer, SCUBA diver to Diving Officer.
It started in boot camp 1989, after passing the dive PT test, the EOD motivator sat me down and showed me two photos. The first photo in black and white was a diver dressed out with a MKV helmet in hand and an overcast and cold New York Harbor in the background. The second photo was of an EOD diver in the Caribbean, diving SCUBA and wearing shorts and a blue and gold. I was young and easily manipulated.
My first assignament as an EOD Assistant working Marine Mammal Systems in Key West, totally vindicating the EOD Motivator but I was also working right next to 2nd class divers doing the same thing, so maybe I was duped.
After EOD School (Hoo Yah 50B 92!) I finished my 6 year enlistment on MCM DET 51 out of Mobile Unit Nine (Pre-BRAC San Francisco area). I did 4 years at Boise State University thanks to the GI Bill and was accepted for a commission as an 1140, which were then called Special Operations Officers that consisted of being qualified as EOD and as a Diving Officer. I was Commissioned in 2000 and had a lot of tours until I retired in Jun 2022. Some of my favorites were EOD Mobile Unit Eight (Hoo Yah Thunder-steelers!), NAVEODTECHDIV Special Projects, CEXC Afghanistan, SIXTH Fleet EOD/ Diving Officer, and working in the Joint Staff.